Wednesday, March 30, 2011


As many of you know -- who read my Twitter feed -- I got a ++POSITIVE++ result on my pregnancy test this past week.  I was determined to wait until I was at least three days late on my period to take the test -- and sure enough, by Sunday, Aunt Flo hadn't arrived.  So, I peed on the little pink stick -- and lo and behold, two lines (vs. one) appeared.  It was positive. 

So, here I am, four days into thinking I am going to be a mother this year.  I'm not sure if it's fully sunk in yet; but I'm getting there.  I set up my first appointment (Monday, April 4 - a day before my 28th birthday).  According to the date of my last period, I am into my 5th week (per the Dr's rules) -- and the due date would be around November 30.  Our family knows we've been trying for a almost a year -- so, it's a fairly frequent topic of discussion between my mom and I.  This Saturday, my mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law are coming over for a birthday party and Johnny (husband) and I plan on telling them at that time.  With the emphasis on it still being early

Now, I'm just a mixed bag of giddiness and worry.  Typically, when something negative enters my brain, it looms there until I think of something else.  I'm all for being positive, but it's hard not to think of the negative possibilities. 

Here I go.

Symptoms: Sore boobs, little heartburn (honorable mention: caffeine withdrawal headaches)

- J

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Story

Let me begin by introducing myself.  My name is Joanna, I am nearly 28 years old (will be 28 on April 5) and I just celebrated my two year wedding anniversary on March 7.  About a year after we were married, my husband (Johnny) and I decided that we wanted to start "trying."  I never knew "trying" could be so difficult.  I went off the pill in March 2010; however, we used condoms for about a month -- and then threw all caution to the wind in April!  We were excited to expand our family.  It was amazing how ready we were -- mentally, financially, the whole nine yards. 

Now, here we are... about a year later and nothing.  I told myself that if we hadn't conceived by December 2010, I would start charting my temperature.  I've since been doing so since mid-December.  Just recently, I starting using ovulation tests (Clear Blue, I think).  I even ordered a fertility-friendly lubricant (as "trying" so much can often get a little difficult) and something called FertiliTEA (containing Vitex).  I've been using the last three products for about a month now. 

I have yet to go to the doctor -- to address my fertility concerns.  One of my best friends had difficulty conceiving (though now she is the proud mother of an adorable seven-month-old boy) and she said that you're not considered "infertile" until it's been a year of "trying."  So, we're approaching that year and I know I'm going to have to face the music. 

It's difficult because my mother conceived on the first try for both my sister and me.  When discussing this issue, she always has the same response -- "Be patient" -- "It'll happen" -- "When you stop trying, it'll happen."  This "advice" is getting a little tiring as she has never had this trouble.  And besides, how am I supposed to trop "trying"?  I don't want to.

Anyway... there's the short of it.  So, here I am -- completely honest and open -- hoping to share stories and find encouragement and advice. 

- Joanna